Thursday, December 27, 2012

Turbo Metabolism

Changing the World One Life at A Time

In the 20 plus years that I have been involved in the health and fitness arena I have witnessed a great deal. I have met multitudinous people that have struggled with controlling or losing weight. I have been able to help these people find solutions to their weight loss challenges. I still believe the most effective way to engage the struggles that you are having with losing weight is to hire a professional and allow them to work with you. The results will be seen quicker and they will be accomplished in a manner that is safe and will allow you sustain them. For those who cannot afford a fitness or health professional to consult with you, I recommend Turbo Metabolism. Turbo Metabolism is a concise eBook that can be downloaded to your laptop, eReading device, smartphone, iPod, etc. this book reveals to you valid and legitimate ways to kick start your metabolism.
In losing or gaining weight, there is a simple formula: If you put your body into caloric surplus, you will gain weight. Caloric surplus is the state of having taken in more calories than your body will burn in a day. In the same way, if you put your body in caloric deficit (less calories than burned) you will lose weight. Gaining and losing weight is done at a rate of 1 pound gained/loss for every 3,000 calories in surplus/deficit. Your metabolism, in its simplified definition, is the rate that your body burns calories. There are a number of reasons why your metabolism will slow down. As a fitness expert, one of the things that I specialize in is putting bodies in caloric deficit in healthy and sustainable ways. Turbo Metabolism teaches you a number techniques and concepts that will show you how to place your body in caloric deficit and manage your weight loss in a healthy and sustainable way.
When I launched The National Campaign Against Obesity in early May of this year (2012), I did it because of my passion to help others in need. What most don’t realize is that obesity (BMI of 30) is directly associated with the top killers in the US. Obesity is directly associated with Coronary Heart Disease, Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes, Osteoarthritis, Three of the Deadliest Cancers, Infertility Issues in Women, High Cholesterol, and more. With the nation as a whole at an obesity prevalence rate of >50%, we have reached epidemic proportions. This means we are slowly killing ourselves.
Dr. Rick Wallace Ph.D.
Creator of VTX-12

Honestly I would love to work with you through my National Program, VTX-12 to help you lose weight, but if you truly can’t afford the cost of working with a professional, I definitely suggest that you take advantage of the knowledge revealed in Turbo Metabolism. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace Ph.D. ~ Founder & President of Master Fitness 21~ Dean of the School for the Ministry of Health & Wellness at A.R.O.H. Theological Seminary ~ 214-755-1509.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Lose Weight Nature's Way

Changing the World One Life at a Time!

When I launched The National Battle Against Obesity back in May of this year, I knew it would be a challenge to convince people of the importance of controlling their weight and increasing their fitness level. With over 20 years of experience it the health & wellness industry I have seen almost everything. And people fight change, even when their life depends on it.
I have seen all kinds of fads that people spent hundred and even thousands of dollars on. The thing is that weight loss must be achieved and sustained through natural and healthy means. Unless weight loss is achieved naturally through some sort of life style change or a combination of changes, it will not be successful or any achieved success will not be sustainable.
Outside of my new VTX-12 training system, there are a number of resources that are relatively inexpensive and provide the information for the self-motivated individual to set and achieve goals that are conducive to better health and a longer life. I have decided to profile some of these resources on a number of my sites.
The first of many is the eBook, “Losing Weight Nature’s Way” is a book that provides solid guidance on developing a life style that will allow you to shed excess weight and keep it off without the unsustainable fads. In The National Campaign Against Obesity we are striving to reverse the epidemic of obesity that is ravaging America. Obesity is directly associated with Type 2 Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease, Hypertension, Stroke, Osteoarthritis, several types of lethal cancers, and so much more. This nation is slowly killing itself, unfortunately African Americans are leading the charge right off the cliff.
It has been proven that consistent exercise and proper diet can be more effective than medication alone in dealing with almost all of these illnesses and their precursor (obesity). I have personally seen people get off of their heart, hypertension, diabetes and kidney medications, by adopting a healthier lifestyle. Losing Weight Nature’s Way will provide you with vital information that will equip you to develop a holistic lifestyle in which you can improve your health in every area. For less than $10.00 total you can find the answer to a great deal of the enigmatic issues you face when attempting to lose weight and keep it off.
For those of you that are not self-motivated, I encourage you to try my new VTX-12 Virtual Training System.

Working together, we can make a difference. Our kids have already been affected by this disease with an alarming obesity prevalence among minors of over 17% and growing. Let’s set the example. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace Ph.D. Dean of the School for the Ministry of Health & Wellness - A.R.O.H. Theological Seminary for more information on more advanced methods of weight loss please contact me directly at 214-755-1509