Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Natural Ways to Fight Cancer

Gail Delaney
Cancer! The word puts fear into people's lives and thoughts. Since my father passed away from cancer, I want to help others to succeed against this disease. I don't advocate using chemotherapy or radiation, unless you feel that is the best course for you and your body. I look more to natural cures or preventative measures to keep the body healthy.
Did you know that Mother Nature manufactures many alternative treatments to help cure cancer? Unfortunately many doctors and pharmaceutical companies only want you to know about the kind that destroys the body as it tries to stop cancer. More people are looking for natural remedies that help cure and prevent cancer from happening, and doesn't harm the healthy portions of the body as it works.
Vitamins are becoming increasingly popular. You can see many advertisements claiming this drink or food comes enriched with vitamins to keep you healthy. With so much processing, the normal vitamins have been eliminated. Unfortunately the manufacturers have to add man-made vitamins to replace the natural vitamins taken away. Some of the vitamins that help your body fight against cancer are vitamins A, and vitamin A acid. Next are the B vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12. Be sure to include the vitamins C, D, E, H, and CoQ10. These vitamins help your body to detoxify, cleanse, oxygenate, alkalinize, and fight cancer and other diseases, while supporting the body as a whole.
Retine and Red Wine
Retine inhibits cancer from growing. Think of it this way, if cancer cannot grow, it cannot spread. Retine or Methylglyoxal is in several plant-based cancer treatments. You can find retine in Beta Glucan Ellagic Acid, Essiac Tea, Laetrile, MGN-3 and Paw Paw.
Red wine has an ingredient called resveratrol. This is a natural ingredient found in grapes. When you make wine, the grapes ferment and as they ferment, the resveratrol becomes more potent. But you don't have to just eat grapes or drink wine; you can find the resveratrol ingredient in other foods such as cranberries, blueberries and raspberries. France is a country that has less cancer among it's citizens. One of the reasons attributed to this is because in France they drink more red wine than other countries.
Eat Healthier
Today we are a country of heat and eat or order food from the fast food restaurants. The one word for this action is: STOP. Fast foods and convenience foods that we heat and eat have no or few nutritional value. They are high in preservatives, additives, acid, sugar, dyes, and salt. The one ingredient that cancer loves is acid, so a body high in acid is a prime target. We need to eat more natural foods like fruit and vegetables, but even that is challenging anymore. Growers and producers chemically spray many of the fruits and vegetables. Much of our food has been chemically altered. Most fruits are picked green, but to keep them fresh on the way to the grocery store across the country, they are sprayed with chemicals that cause them to ripen by the time they arrive at the store. If you can grow your own fruits and vegetables do so or purchase these things that are organically grown .
Foods to Avoid
Cancer lives on simple sugars, so if you cut out the sugar content, you will be helping to starve out cancer. Once again, too many of today's food products are loaded with simple sugars. Avoid foods that are high in sugar. Limit your consumption of soft drinks and leave any product that has sugar substitutes like aspartame and saccharine listed in the ingredient list.. Also, avoid foods with high fructose corn syrup. You can cut your risk of cancer by 93 percent by eating organic food and avoiding water treated with chlorine. In France, they ozonate their water, but the water in the United States is chemically treated with chlorine, fluoride, and other toxins to make the water drinkable. Also, when you cook, add spices such as turmeric and curcumin to your food. These are anti-inflammatory agents and they help fight cancer.
Use Ground Flax Seed
When your body's cells do not receive oxygen, the result is cancer. Eating freshly ground flax seed and cottage cheese penetrates the cancer cells and kills the cancer. So, which is better: Flax seed oil or ground flax seed? Ground flax seed is better because it allows the body to absorb Omega-3. Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that cells need to allow oxygen to enter. Oxygen keeps cancer away.
Check Product Labels
Would you take a bottle of Formaldehyde and use it on your body? Of course not. Formaldehyde is a preservative used by undertakers to help preserve the deceased body. Yet, formaldehyde is used in many products that people use every day such as shampoos, soaps, nail polish and hair dyes. It is important to read labels on the food you eat and products you use. Chances are, if you can't pronounce the ingredient, it probably isn't good for you.

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