Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Transformation Initializes From Within

Often times I am asked how does my faith and being a spiritual leader reconcile with my approach to fitness? The answer is quite simple, though the foundation is extensive. My faith and my focus on fitness, as well as health and wellness reconcile quite well, in fact, they are inextricably connected. Fitness and Christianity are not opposing forces in any way. Christianity is the foundation for all that is whole and complete in the life of the believer. Wellness, fitness and holistic living are simply particular elements that are erected upon the foundation of Christianity as they take their place in the aggregate form of the edifice which is the Christian way of life.

Because fitness has been so heavily associated with physical pulchritude and appeal, many associate its nature with being self-centered and superficial. The truth is that fitness, wellness and holistic living have very little to do with outward appearance and quite a bit to do with providing the proper foundation for executing God’s plan for your life. When God designed you he designed you perfectly. There are various components and external influences that have negatively impacted and corrupted the original design.

One of the most impacting directives for Christian living is proper stewardship over all that God has entrusted you with. Whether it is your children, your finances, your marriage, and yes, even your body, it is paramount for the believer to be a good steward. Being a good steward requires the proper management, supervision, maintenance and execution of what one has been entrusted with.

We are told through the first Pauline epistle (letter) to the Corinthian Church that our bodies are the temple of God (1 Cor. 6:19-20). This means that in the same way that God indwelled the tabernacle initially, and later the temple, He now indwells our bodies. The apprehension of this fact has immense implications. If God has taken up residence within us, how much more does this fact magnify the need to take care of His dwelling place?

So much emphasis has been placed on the epidemic of obesity and its wide ranging negative impact on the health of Americans. As devastating as the obesity epidemic is, it is simply a small reflection of a much massive and broader reaching issue; poor stewardship through poor health and lifestyle choices. If the believers in this nation would address the core issue of poor stewardship, the secondary issue of obesity and its far reaching implications would be nullified.

It all begins with a will to effectively execute the protocol plan of God and it subsequently flows fluently through every orifice in your life to fill your life with power, impact, influence, effectiveness and the assets necessary to live out your divine purpose and fulfill your destiny.

When I survey the American health landscape the results are quite alarming. More than 50 percent of the nation’s population can be classified as officially obese (having a BMI [Body Mass Index] of 30 or higher). The implications of this are far reaching and carry the potential to produced unparalleled and devastating results. Obesity has been directly linked to numerous deadly and debilitating diseases, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes (primarily Type 2 Diabetes), Hypertension (High Blood Pressure [especially prevalent among blacks]), High Cholesterol, Cancer (increasing the chances of developing 3 forms of deadly cancer by 50 percent), Infertility (creating hormonal imbalances that cause major ovarian issues in women that effect their ability to reproduce), osteoarthritis (debilitating joint inflammation directly associated with severe pain and limited physiological capability), Skin Infections, Ulcers, Gallstones and much more.

When these multitudinous health issues are examined in depth, it produces quite a gloomy portrait of health in America, and it all stems from a failure to execute good stewardship. When I look at the number of believers that are obese in America, the numbers are staggering. What these numbers reflect is even more staggering. Believers are failing in executing proper stewardship over one of their greatest assets, their bodies. God has designed each of us with a specific purpose in mind. We carry out our purpose through the vessel provided, our bodies. How we take care of our bodies determines the quality of life and length of life. What this means is that we have great influence on the effectiveness of our personal ministries.

The following question is often posed to me concerning the conundrum of failed health: What can possibly be done at this point? Whether you are a believer or not, you must understand that change is always possible, no matter how far along you have progressed in your journey. For Christian believers, the apprehension of this truth should be magnified with great measure. You are equipped for positive change, but this change is not accomplished through mystical pursuit. It is not achieved through empty prayers and proclamations. True change begins with the renewal of your mind; the attainment of a fresh way of thinking.
Dr. Rick Wallace 

Simply making the right health choices and developing a healthier way of life, while decreasing the daily abuse on your bodies will produce efficacious results. We have an extremely long way to go in America, but for everyone reading this article, it starts with you today, and the possibilities are endless. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace

During the course of this campaign, I will introduce various products and resources that I believe will assist you as you in taking the proper steps toward a happier you. I would advise you to take advantage of every resource within your grasp. 

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