Friday, July 12, 2013

Youth Training

Training Young Athletes 12 – 15 Year Olds
By Susan Ellis

This is the second in a series on Youth Training.

Last month you were introduced to the basic
training model and some recommendations for
training for really young kids under 12. If you
have read it yet I would suggest you go back and
read the May 08 tip. It is important to read the
articles suggested in the article to fully
understand the training model.

The overall development model is important to
understanding what children need at the different
stages of development for long term success,
and to avoid burning out your child before they
ever reach their full potential. It is equally
important to note the not all kids develop at the
same rate and the age categories suggested
may vary to each child.

In the first two stages of development you
learned that overall sport development through
fun, games, and other sports helped to develop
the ABC’s of athleticism (Agility, Balance, The chin up champion of Australia
Coordination, Speed).

In this third stage of development (12 – 15) kids need to continue the
foundational work laid in the first two stages, but now they can start to work more
on skating specific aspects of training such as endurance training (aerobic
capacity), strength training, as well as continuing speed training.

Sports such as soccer, lacrosse and field hockey are still very good for
endurance training, as well as having the speed, agility, and coordination
components. Inlining is great for endurance and is very sport specific. Cycling
and rowing, while not quite as specific as inlining promote endurance and
strength. Cross country running, while lacking in specificity, develops overall
cardiovascular endurance. Hockey is also still a great cross training sport. Even
though the skates are not the same, the technique is very similiar, and it also
teaches good balance, coordination, visual and spacial awareness, and has a
speed and endurance component. The team sports mentioned here also help to
work the aerobic power system, which becomes more important to train as the
athlete nears their peak height and their growth spurts have slowed down. Of
course, what you get out of it depends on what position you play, how good or
bad your team is, and how much effort you put in to it. I had an athlete who told
me how much soccer he played and I was really impressed that a kid could do
that much and still skate and go to school and have any energy….. until I found
out he played goal. Not so say that goalies don’t work hard too, but that’s not
really what I had in mind.

Depending on how much time is devoted to other endurance sports, athletes
should spend some time developing aerobic capacity on their own. If the other
sport only covers 2 – 3 days a week, then an extra day or two of endurance work
is needed. Or if the sport does not contribute enough to the aerobic system in
each practice or game, the athlete needs to spend some extra time on it on their

Specific strength training should begin during this stage. In this case, by specific,
I don’t mean specific to skating, but overall body strength training. (Read May 04
tip on Strength Training for Adolescence). Developing overall body strength lays
the foundation for more specific skating strength training to be done in the later
stages of training. Gone are the days when skaters only trained the lower body
and walked around looking like tooth picks set on tree stumps. Today's skater
needs upper body strength and core strength to be successful.
In the early stages of strength training free body weight exercises are fine. There
are several free body strength programs (and training programs) listed on this

If you have access to a good gym with a good instructor trained in adolescent
strength training you can start to learn how to do strength training with light
weights. It is as important to learn proper technique in strength training, as it is in
skating or any other sport, to have maximum results form your work and to avoid
injury. Crossfit for Kids has some great articles on training and strength workouts
on their site at:

As these are the rapid growth years extra attention should be given to flexibility
training. Bones are growing at a faster rate than tendons, ligaments and muscles
sometimes creating tightness, imbalances, and instability and awkwardness.
Always start and finish each session with flexibility training and throw in an extra
30’ session at least once or more per week.

Below is a sample program for a 12 – 15 year old. Keep in mind it is only a
sample and each child in this age group is different. You can have a 12 year old
4’ 5 boy with in a very early stage of puberty and a 12 year old 5’8” boy who is
well in to puberty. The two are very different in their stage of development!

Early maturing boys could have as much as a 4 year physiological advantage over late maturers”

Monday: run 45 – 60’ P=max – 50-60, plus 15’ flexibility
Build this up to a maximum of 60’ over the summer

Tuesday: 20’ warm up, including jogging, calisthenics, jumps
strength training, either free body or with light weights
10’ warm down jog plus stretch

Wednesday: Warm up: 10” jogging, 5’ stretching, 3 x 10” second sprints
Aerobic Power running intervals: 2 x 3 x 2’ r 2’ R 6’ @ 80% intensity
10’ warm down jog, plus stretch

Build this up to 2 x 5 x 2’ or 2 x 4 x 3’ over the summer and build
intensity to 85%.

In June start doing ¼ of the time in skating imitations and build this up
to ½ the time over the summer. So ½ the program is running and ½ is

Thursday: Bike 60’ - Keep cadence up at least to 90 rpm, plus 15’ flexibility
Build this up to 90’ over the summer.

Friday: 20’ warm up, including jogging, calisthenics, jumps
Strength training, either free body or with light weights
10’ warm down jog plus stretch

Saturday: Warm up: 10” jogging, 5’ stretching, 5 x 8 second sprints
Aerobic Power running or cycling intervals: 3 x 8’ r 5’

(walk or cycle easy for rest) –intensity is the highest you can sustain over
the course of the 3 intervals without losing speed.
10’ warm down jog, plus stretch

Build this up to 3 x 10’ or 5 x 8’ over the summer.
Extra flexibility session of 30”

Sunday: rest day (very important!)
Training program codes:
60’ is 60 minutes ( ‘ )
60” is 60 seconds ( “ )
P=max – 50-60 is your maximum heart rate minus 50 to 60 beats, ie: max HR =
210 so working pulse in this training is 160 to 150 beats per minute.
2 x 3 x 2’ r 2’ R 6’ @ 80% intensity is:

2 sets of 3 repetitions, each repetition is 2 minutes long with a 2 minute rest in
between each and a set rest of 6 minutes after the first 3 reps. The intensity
should be around 80% perceived effort.

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