Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Awesome Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Conventional wisdom has always suggested that natural fats such as those found in coconut oil were unhealthy and should be avoided. The postulation was that these type of fats would contribute to certain types of heart disease. Now it is understood that conventional wisdom was wrong in this case. There are numerous health benefits associated with using coconut oil.

There is evidence that coconut oil functions as a booster to the immune system, helping the body to build a resistance to bacteria and viruses – reducing illnesses caused by both. Coconut oil can also help defend against fungus, yeast and candida infections. It also positively impacts the function of the human thyroid gland and helps to manage blood-sugar levels. Those who consume coconut oil develop a physiological proclivity to maintain healthy blood-sugar levels. This is primarily due to the fact that coconut oil helps support the healthy production of insulin.

Reducing Cholesterol

Coconut oil contains lauric acid - a type of MCT. It has been proven that lauric acid produces HDL - the good cholesterol - helping to improve the cholesterol ratio. Coconut oil also lowers the body's cholesterol levels through promoting the process that converts cholesterol to pregnenolone, a precursor molecule to producing essential hormones in the body. Coconut oil supports healthy thyroid function, which is essential to maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol.

Managing Your Weight

Coconut oil contains certain fats known as medium-chain triglycerides. When MCTs are broken down by the liver it helps the body burn calories more efficiently, leading to a more active metabolism. A study conducted in 2009 by the National Institute of Health revealed that women who consumed approximately two tablespoons of coconut oil each day over a 12-week period were able to control their weight more effectively. Not only did they not gain weight, they actually reduced the amount of fat around the mid-section - fat that is normally difficult to lose and also associated with certain heart problems.

Slows Down the Aging Process

The oils contained in coconut possess powerful antioxidants that function in the body to remove harmful toxins that contribute to the aging process. These toxins are known to cause damage to healthy tissue and fats within the body. The removal of these toxins helps to minimize the deterioration of the body associated with aging. The consumption of coconut oil can also help reduce the necessity for the consumption of other antioxidants.

Skin and Hair

Coconut oil serves as a wonderful moisturizer for your hair and skin. It is rich in vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that supports good hair and skin health. Organic coconut oil would be best for consistent use on the skin because it would reduce the harmful effects of absorbing pesticides and toxins - associated with non-organic substances - through your skin. It is even safe to message coconut oil into the skin of infants after bathing to ensure that their skin does not dry out.

You can also use coconut oil to prepare meals. It has a great tolerance to heat, so it makes a great alternative to some of the more unhealthy cooking oils. You can also include it in protein shakes to improve the flavor and provide creaminess. There are multitudinous benefits to using and consuming coconut oil and that is quite a long way from the assumption of conventional wisdom some time ago.

People are becoming more aware of the negative effects associated with process foods and empty foods – foods that have a high caloric content but very little nutritional value – that contribute to the decline of their health. Another area in which the culture needs to improve is in understanding the powerful impact of foods, oils and herbs that are rich in nutrients and antioxidants. It is these foods that provide the greatest health benefits. You can add coconut oil to that list of healthy foods. 

by Dr. Rick Wallace

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